英語協同教學 write a haiku
2015 Class 314英語畢業成果: 微電影首映
會考後, 讓孩子們討論voicetube上經典電影的片段, 要挑十句放在劇本中, 再自行改編串成影片, 經過兩周的時間, 今天是首映會, 有兩組還在修改, 今天應該不要罵人的, 但, 為師的我剩下沒多少時間跟你們談人生觀與做事的態度, 東西千萬要提早安排與規劃, 因為人生有太多事無法在預料中發生的, 所以更要及早準備, 如果, 今天是結婚典禮要放MV, 你的另一半與希望到今天早上還在修改嗎? 為師的我, 喜歡把事情提早安排與做規劃, 不是我喜歡趕趕趕, 而是我的人生經驗磨得我該要提早準備與規劃, 英文有個單字deadline叫期限, 因為到了那天東西沒有出來就是死線, 我期望除了英文知識, 團隊合作, 做事效率, 做人處事的道理, 我都希望透過一次次的活動中學習與調整, 但我要說, 帶了你們三年, 覺得你們比我國中時棒太多了, 也要相信自己給自己揮灑的天空與機會, 你們花了時間, 就要有效有用, 費了功夫, 就要有成效, 這些事出了社會後更顯重要, 總之, 原諒我帶你們三年很少生氣, 但今天我真的動怒了, 因為我希望你們要學會的事太多了, 最後, 我要告訴你們You are the best! I am really proud of you. I really learnt a lot from you guys. Keep going on! Your forever ET, Fortuna Chia-ling Lu
讀者劇場 The Firefly Who Lost His Light Group 5
公館國中 2014寒假作業 Class 214
The Firefly Who Lost His Light Group 5
Cool English http://www.coolenglish.edu.tw/
各位英語老師大家好, 中小學學生就要放暑假了,在漫長的暑假裡,不少老師、家長想推薦學生一些好的網站,在暑假的時候可以自我充實。在國教署的補助之下,師大英语系推出了coolenglish 酷英文網站(www.coolenglish.edu.tw)。網站的內容豐富,有多種線上游戲而且有不少的學習動畫影片及練習題。非常適合國中小各種程度的同學來學習英文。 網站的註冊相當容易,而且內容完全免費。
學生的學習記錄及表現還可以列印出來供老師參考。 希望各位老師能夠推薦給其他老師及班上同學使用。感謝。
1. English Learn Site
2. EnglishVid
3. Real English
4. ESL video
5. Ello : English listening lesson
6. Just Read aloud
8. Kizclub
10. Education Place
11. Children's Storybooks Online
12. Scholastic Clifford Interactive Storybooks
13. BBC Children
14. http://www.hastars.com/flashGame/play.asp?g=haBrainEng
英語線上動畫圖書館:和 Little Fox一起快樂學英語
16. Starfall
17. Tumblebooks
18. Go Natural English
苗栗縣公館國中 呂佳玲
在上完成老師的華德福教育介紹時,我在思考針對國中生,要融入華德福教育說故事方式、又要結合英語教學課程,「到底該如何進行? 」這個問題一直在我腦袋裡浮現著,剛好在暑期輔導課倒數第二天8/13上803班英語課時,檢查學生是否有完成昨天交代的英語學習單作業,發現好幾位男同學已經好幾次作業未完成,剛好腦袋浮現三隻小豬的故事,便決定把三隻小豬故事拿來用全英文方式說給孩子們聽,給他們一些人生啟發的道理。
一、 流程
(1) 進到教室的第一件事,就是檢查孩子們是否完成昨天交代的作業,發現有幾位男同學又未完成英語作業。決定開始告訴他們三隻小豬的故事:
(2) 故事內容:
T: I just wanna share a story with you. It’s Three Little Pigs. You heard of this story?
Ss: (nodding) Yes.
T: The parents of the three little pigs thought that they were old enough to grow up by themselves. So they asked the three little pigs to build their own house. The first pig built his home by using straw. Do you know what straw is?
Ss: Yes. 稻草。
T: Yes, the first pig built his own house by using straw. He just wanted to build his home faster and more easily because he wanted to spend more time relaxing and playing.
The second pig built his home by using….?
Ss: 木頭。
T: Yes, he built it by using sticks. He didn’t spend so much time building his house and still had more time to relax or do whatever he liked to do. But, do you know what did the last pig use to build his house?
Ss: 磚塊。
T: Yes, bricks. He built his house by using bricks. But he spent lots of time building his house. He couldn’t have more time to relax himself or play than the two other pigs. In the end of the story, a big bad wolf came to eat them. It blew down the first two pigs’ houses very easily. Then the two pigs ran to the third pig’s house. Finally, the big bad wolf couldn’t blow the house down to eat up. This is the end of the story. You know the moral of the story? Do you remember the first and second pigs? They didn’t want to work harder or spend more time building their houses, so their houses were easily blown down by the wolf. But the third pig worked harder and built a firmer house to protect him and his brothers. This means everyone needs to work harder to lead to success. I hope you think what your dream is. Just work harder to succeed.
二、 心得
1. Three little pigs
video 1
Outside reading Syrian drowned boy
Outside reading: Syrian drowned boy
1. 配合翰林英語B3 U3 warm up 活動延伸
2. 使用時機: warm up或是課後閱讀
3. 學習單下載 Worksheet (download) (請用FB帳號登入後下載)
翰林英語B3 U2學習單
翰林英語B3 U3學習單
Donation Posters
1. What day is it in the dialogue? _________________________________________
2. What did Kiven donate? ______________________________________________
3. How did Kevin get the toy? ____________________________________________
4. Why is Kevin donating that toy? _________________________________________
5. What is John donating? _______________________________________________
6. What did Amy donate? _______________________________________________
7. How did John get the cap? _____________________________________________
Dear Zoo &授予動詞
翰林英語B3 U4 學習單(全)
翰林英語B3U5 學習單(全)
Gender Neutral Job Titles性別中立職業名稱
2. 上週做完職業閱讀配對和請師徒根據自己負責的職業造句 A [職業] can Vr.
3. 今天先讓805各小組討論完A fire fighter must be _______.
4. 接下來就是讓孩子們去試試性別中立職業名稱, 我給孩子們 housewife→housemaker(homemaker), 我列了六個sexist job titles: policeman, fireman,chairman, waiter&waitress, businessman,mailman&postman, 小組利用手機查資料做小組討論, 我以為對孩子們來說會有點難, 結果還真的有四組通通討論出來
ps.其實老師要學會耐心等待, 直接給他們答案, 還不如給他們時間思考與討論, 805好棒棒! 兩性平等之性別教育, 不需要特定教案, 特定比賽, 應該就是融入平時課堂, 才更有意義!!!
翰林英語B3 U6 學習單(全)
Bear feels sick
3. Sentence Pattern 2 It’s adj to Vr.
Q1. What is easy for you to say?
Q2. What is hard for you to say?
4. Ask each group to discuss who the singer sing the song to and
write their answers on the blackboard.
老師請孩子討論這兩首歌的對象分別寫給誰, 並各組派代表上來寫
II. Worksheet for Health quotes