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Blue Cheese 課文教學

Blue Cheese 課文教學
Teacher Fortuna今天要分享的是康軒第五冊第二課課文Blue Cheese的教學過程

課本學習單: (可用FB帳號登入slideshare 下載)
(可用FB帳號登入slideshare 下載)


Task One

Pre-reading: Please look at the picture on Page 20 and discuss with your partners what you come up with? Write down at least three sentences in the right column next to the picture.讓孩子們看左邊這張圖, 和自己的師父或徒弟討論想到什麼, 並寫出至少三句話來描述







Task Two

Listen to the story “The Stinky Cheese Man.”(click the video) After listening to the story, please finish the story map with your group and write note in each section.

播放youtube上的The Stinky Man故事兩次, 讓孩子們與組員完成此故事之story map

Role play: make up a story about cheese 

接著, 根據the stinky cheese man故事, 一組編出一個與cheese有關的故事, 完成腳本, 給Fortuna看過後, 再排演, 最後上台演出來該組的段劇


After-reading activity              Act it out!

      2-minute role play

After reading the reading of Lesson 2, you will be given a task about role-playing where the story happens in a cave at night. All of your group members should be the characters in the short play. After you decide the names of the characters, you need to discuss and write down the script of your 2-minute role play and then act it out.

讓孩子練習字邊跟cheese的短劇, 並演出來練練口說!

兩分鐘短句學習單(可用FB帳號登入slideshare 下載)


Students' scripts





















Task Three


Read the reading about Blue Cheese with your group aloud. Then work with them to find out the answers to the questions.

在組長帶領同學念完課文後, 請組長帶著大家把下列問題答案找出來, 再由我透過分組合作舉手搶答方式, check  學生答案

Challenging Questions

1.   What is the main idea of the reading?


2.   How do Taiwanese feel about blue cheese? Why?


3.   What makes blue cheese popular with Americans?


4.   Since when has blue cheese been around?


5.   Where did people in Italy find blue cheese?


6.   How did they make blue cheese?


7.    Please write down the ways to eat blue cheese.

(1) ___________________________________________________

(2) ___________________________________________________

8.   What do you want to know about blue cheese? Please write down one question to ask your partner and your partner has to write down the answer to your question next class in your worksheet. 

Your question:



Your partner’s answer:                                 


                                                      Signature of your partner


接下來, 請大家討論下列片語中文, 並在課本課文中找出並畫出

What’s more: please find out the phases in the reading, underline them and write down their Chinese meanings. 

1.    be scared of _______________

2.    because of + N/Ving _________

3.    make O popular with + Sb __________

4.    find out +N ______________

5.    by chance ______________

6.    be surprised at _______________

7.    decide to Vr __________________

8.    start to Vr ______________



Mind-mapping in teaching Dialogue

Teacher Fortuna這次要分享對話心智圖的教學過程!

課本: 康軒英語第五冊第二課warm-up &對話

warm-up: 根據課本關於蛋的主題,搭配第一課現在完成式的概念, 延伸此學習單




step 1: 先讓孩子討論對話的圖,做預測

Step 2: 讓組長帶領組員練完對話後, 將此學習單上的問題找出答案


Step 3:然後等Teacher Fortuna將對話重點上完後, 請孩子們畫出各組對話的心智圖

Step 5:隔天請各組上台將該組的對話心智圖, 畫在黑板上, 並上來看著自己組別畫的心智圖, 把對話內容用英文講一次

同學上台, 根據自己組別的心智圖, 重述故事

對話心智圖的確很棒, 可以練孩子的邏輯思考, 也可以練團隊合作, 上台重述故事也能加強孩子口說能力喔~而且他們的美術天分太厲害了~看914孩子們從國一青澀的模樣, 到現在成熟的模樣, 讓我看到他們的進步. Keep learning! Keep going! 
                                                       Teacher Fortuna







可用FB帳號登入slideshare下載, 如果任何想要討論, 歡迎來信fortunalu1013@gmail.com, 或到我的FB https://www.facebook.com/fortuna.lu 討論喔~

01 Kungshen English Book 5 Lesson 6 warm up

02 Kungshen English Book 5 Lesson 6 Dialogue key points

03 Kungshen English Book 5 Lesson 6 Dialogue Voicetube 



03-2 A letter to John

04 Kungshen English Book 5 Lesson 6 Reading A Letter From Emily Voicetube



後位修飾 :介系詞片語& indefinite pronouns

Famous Physically Challenged People

Famous Physically Challenged People

Teaching strategy: 



Teaching procedures

1. Warm-up: 
     Watch the two videos, work in pair and discuss what you come up with. 


Please think of one sentence to express what you want to say about disabled people. Share it with other groups.

2.      Please write down the name of the following famous disabled people and fill in the blanks by discussing with your group members.         

3. Expert Group Discussion Time: 
    Students consulted their dictionaries and found out the answers in the blanks through discussion. 

Expert group 1: Stephen Hawking (Ted video)

Expert Group 2: Xiao huang Chi (songs: You are my eyes and Granny)

Expert group 3: Yang An Dien ( video)

Expert group 4: Beethoven (Ode to Joy  )

4. The experts went back to their home groups to share their answers to the rest of their groups and did some explanation to them. 

(There are 7 home groups in the classroom.)
Home group 

5. The four expert groups chose one to do the oral report about the famous person they dicussed. 

 1. Stephen Hawking如何稱呼自己 
 2.其他肢障人士對於diabled people及 physically challenged使用看法的線上討論文章 

最後expert group討論完回home group分享心得與大意

很謝謝英語教師俱樂部的老師給我的建議, 讓我可以帶孩子們做深度討論, 而很多老師也給我學習單的建議,讓我學到了不少呢!!

Go Green





1. What makes a good teacher
2. What makes a good student

3. T-chart: the characteristics of a good teacher and a good student

4. Dialogue 

5. Dialogue outside reading

6. Dialogue keypoints

7. Reading


(英語教學之行動學習 翻轉教育部落格文章 http://flipedu.parenting.com.tw/blog-detail?id=781)

Class 314各自組別自學練英聽  2015.01.29
Step 1:
讓孩子利用我學習單上的QR Code, 用他們手機連上網聽Ted Erin Gruwell的演講, 請各組自行進行自我聽力訓練, 討論並寫下她們所聽到的英文單字, 如下圖

Task One: Please watch the video and write down as many keypoints you listened to as much and then discuss with your group. 

 TEDxConejo - Erin Gruwell - The Freedom Writers


然後請聽完三遍的組別再看 Freedom Writers片段Line Game, 讓他們討論這Line Game片段, 老師最後再進行解釋

Freedom Writers -  Line game


Step 2:接著, 再進行分組閱讀與討論

學生自己用手機或平板的英漢字典查完單字後, 請組長帶大家討論文章內容, 最後每個學生要挑出自己今天所學10個新單字, 寫出英文的詞性及中文在學習單上


Step 3:
Task Three:  Discuss what Erin Gruwell did to change her students’ lives. Please list as many as possible.
請孩子們再看完相關影片及文章後, 列出Erin Gruwell作了哪些事來改變她的學生一生, 然後各組上台來貢獻兩點

Step 4:
Task Four: Please pick one sentece which impressed you most, underline, write down and illustrate it. REMEMBER to translate it into Chinese as well.
請學生各自挑出剛剛閱讀的那篇文章中最令他們印象深刻的句子, 劃線, 並以圖像畫出, 然後翻譯成中文

Step 5:

因為本課重點在過去完成式, 所以這裡把重點帶孩子們分析剛剛閱讀的那篇文章中出現的三個過去完成式的句子與用法, 並畫timeline讓孩子們複習時態

Step 6:After‐reading 
Think! If you become a teacher, what will you want them to learn? Share with your group
最後是讓孩子們思考, 如果未來她們當上老師, 想要孩子們學什麼?並跟他的們組員分享

整整四節課都在上Gruwell的故事, 有閱讀, 有聽力, 有寫作, 也上完第一課對話, 還有回家寫作的作業, 真是豐富的一天, 孩子們能自學, 帶著他們一起學習, 我看到了314和我當初一年級帶他們時, 越來越成熟, 老師是需要耐心等待的, 平常就要來聽說讀寫一起練習, 還要學會與他人溝通討論與分工! 孩子們真棒!

2. 網址縮短: Google URL Shortener

1. Smart phones or tablets
2. Earphones
2. 手機需有app: 可離線查詢的英漢字典(ios& android )或Dr. Eye 



Discussion about 2011 Japanese earthquake & tsunami





看了Leo Peng 老師的分享後(文章),今天段考後第一次上課,又重新分組,開始上第四課對話,請各組把對話依照各組人數四或三人分四或三部分,大家一起把課文念完後,各自把自己負責部份分析做重點解析後,再各自向組員報告,解釋給其他組員聽,並且要大家把筆記做好,然後第一輪組內討論後,把該組所有課本傳給隔壁組,第二輪,請隔壁組員拿一本課本,補充該組沒討論到的重點,第三輪再傳下一組一樣補重點。因為時間一堂課,只做到第三輪,最後第四輪我再補充孩子們沒注意到的重點。

孩子們說有人寫很少,有人寫很多,有人寫很漂亮,有人的很亂。其實,我就是要讓大家看看哪些同學很踏實,很認真。要從別人優點中學習,自我省思, 我們在看別人的成功時,也要記得看到他人努力的背後,更要學會欣賞他人優點哦!(Facebook原文)



範圍:康軒英語B6 L1-3

閱讀測驗 1-3  改編 (link)


You've seen people in need on the news after a hurricane, earthquake, or other disaster. Perhaps you've walked past homeless people who are living on the streets. Or maybe you've been to an animal shelter and wished you could give every pet a home.


So what can you do to help people (or animals) who need it? The answer is — volunteer!


Volunteering means spending some of your free time helping others. You may volunteer to help other people, such as the families who lost their homes after a disaster. But you can also volunteer to protect animals, the environment, or any other cause that you care about.



Volunteering helps others, but it can also help you, too. If you're sad about something that's happened — like a hurricane or other disasters — doing something about it can be a great way to deal with your feelings.


Volunteering also lets you see your own life in new ways. Sometimes it's easy to worry about something like grades or get angry because you don't have the most expensive shoes or the newest computer games. Volunteering lets you spend some time focusing on others for a while.


Lots of people — and kids — find that they really enjoy volunteering. Volunteer experiences often put you in a different environment and make you meet people and stay in the situations that you wouldn't have met in your common life. For example, you might learn that just in some places of your town are some kids who really need winter clothes.


It feels good to be able to meet a need like that. You'll know that, thanks to you, some kids have warm coats, hats, gloves, and shoes. So whether it's winter clothes, food for the hungry, or homes for unwanted pets, doing volunteer work means one very important thing: You make a difference in the world.

       hurricane 颶風 disaster災害 shelter庇護所 environment環境 cause原因 situation情況

 ( C ) 1. What is the best title of the reading?                             *title 標題

            (A) Keep a Pet            (B) Donate Clothes        (C) Be a Volunteer       (D) Save the Earth

(  D ) 2. What is the best subtitle for Paragraph 4 of the reading?* paragraph段落 subtitle副標題

            (A) Be Careful After Disasters              (B) Help Others Means Nothing

            (C) Don’t Be Sad to Help Yourself       (D) Help Yourself by Helping Others

( D ) 3. Which is NOT true about the reading?

            (A) Being a volunteer can also help to change the way you look at your own life.                      

            (B) Volunteers can not only help homeless people but also protect any you care about.              

            (C) Helping other people after disasters is also a good way to deal with your sad feelings.

            (D) Volunteering can only change your own life instead of making a difference in the world.



1.      Come to school every day.

2.      Have your supplies ready.

3.      Get your materials organized.

Pay attention in class.

5.      Finish homework on time.

6.      Follow what the teachers say.

7.      Ask for help when you need it.

8.      Join in class activities.

9.      Follow all school rules.

10. Always try to do your best.

(  D ) 4. What is the best title for the article?           * title 標題 article 文章

            (A) Ten Ideas to Be In Class

            (B) Ten Ideas to Be At School

            (C) Ten Ways to Be a Nice Worker

            (D) Ten Ways to Be a Good Student

(  B ) 5. Which is true according to the above article?

            (A) It’s good to take every day off for not going to school.

            (B) It’s good to listen to what teachers say in class carefully.

            (C) It’s good to forget to hand in your homework on time every time.

            (D) It’s good to give up asking for help when you have difficulties with any subjects.



[picture book] Vegetables In Underwear

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