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苗栗縣公館國中 呂佳玲

    在上完成老師的華德福教育介紹時,我在思考針對國中生,要融入華德福教育說故事方式、又要結合英語教學課程,「到底該如何進行? 」這個問題一直在我腦袋裡浮現著,剛好在暑期輔導課倒數第二天8/13803班英語課時,檢查學生是否有完成昨天交代的英語學習單作業,發現好幾位男同學已經好幾次作業未完成,剛好腦袋浮現三隻小豬的故事,便決定把三隻小豬故事拿來用全英文方式說給孩子們聽,給他們一些人生啟發的道理。

一、 流程

(1)    進到教室的第一件事,就是檢查孩子們是否完成昨天交代的作業,發現有幾位男同學又未完成英語作業。決定開始告訴他們三隻小豬的故事:

(2)    故事內容:

T: I just wanna share a story with you. It’s Three Little Pigs. You heard of this story?

Ss: (nodding) Yes.

T: The parents of the three little pigs thought that they were old enough to grow up by themselves. So they asked the three little pigs to build their own house. The first pig built his home by using straw. Do you know what straw is?

Ss: Yes. 稻草。

T: Yes, the first pig built his own house by using straw. He just wanted to build his home faster and more easily because he wanted to spend more time relaxing and playing.

   The second pig built his home by using….?

       Ss: 木頭。

       T: Yes, he built it by using sticks. He didn’t spend so much time building his house and still had more time to relax or do whatever he liked to do. But, do you know what did the last pig use to build his house?

       Ss: 磚塊。

       T: Yes, bricks. He built his house by using bricks. But he spent lots of time building his house. He couldn’t have more time to relax himself or play than the two other pigs. In the end of the story, a big bad wolf came to eat them. It blew down the first two pigs’ houses very easily. Then the two pigs ran to the third pig’s house. Finally, the big bad wolf couldn’t blow the house down to eat up. This is the end of the story. You know the moral of the story? Do you remember the first and second pigs? They didn’t want to work harder or spend more time building their houses, so their houses were easily blown down by the wolf. But the third pig worked harder and built a firmer house to protect him and his brothers. This means everyone needs to work harder to lead to success. I hope you think what your dream is. Just work harder to succeed.

二、  心得




1. Three little pigs   

   story 1  story 2  story 3 

   video 1 


              video 2        

              Moral: 1  2 3 

           2. 華德福教育說故事  
             1 2 3  
                     5 Storytelling in Waldorf Early Childhood Classrooms 

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