Class 314各自組別自學練英聽 2015.01.29
Step 1:讓孩子利用我學習單上的QR Code, 用他們手機連上網聽Ted Erin Gruwell的演講, 請各組自行進行自我聽力訓練, 討論並寫下她們所聽到的英文單字, 如下圖
TEDxConejo - Erin Gruwell - The Freedom Writers
Freedom Writers - Line game
Task One: Please watch the video and write down as many keypoints you listened to as much and then discuss with your group.
TEDxConejo - Erin Gruwell - The Freedom Writers
Freedom Writers - Line game
Step 2:接著, 再進行分組閱讀與討論
學生自己用手機或平板的英漢字典查完單字後, 請組長帶大家討論文章內容, 最後每個學生要挑出自己今天所學10個新單字, 寫出英文的詞性及中文在學習單上
Step 3:
Task Three: Discuss what Erin Gruwell did to change her students’ lives. Please list as many as possible.
請孩子們再看完相關影片及文章後, 列出Erin Gruwell作了哪些事來改變她的學生一生, 然後各組上台來貢獻兩點
Step 4:
Task Four: Please pick one sentece which impressed you most, underline, write down and illustrate it. REMEMBER to translate it into Chinese as well.
請學生各自挑出剛剛閱讀的那篇文章中最令他們印象深刻的句子, 劃線, 並以圖像畫出, 然後翻譯成中文
Step 5: