Famous Physically Challenged People
Expert group 3: Yang An Dien ( video)
Teaching strategy:
Teaching procedures
1. Warm-up:
Watch the two videos, work in pair and discuss what you come up with.
Please think of one sentence to express what you want to say about disabled people. Share it with other groups.
2. Please write down the name of the following famous disabled people and fill in the blanks by discussing with your group members.
3. Expert Group Discussion Time:
Students consulted their dictionaries and found out the answers in the blanks through discussion.
Expert group 1: Stephen Hawking (Ted video)
Expert group 4: Beethoven (Ode to Joy )
4. The experts went back to their home groups to share their answers to the rest of their groups and did some explanation to them.
(There are 7 home groups in the classroom.)
Home group
5. The four expert groups chose one to do the oral report about the famous person they dicussed.
1. Stephen Hawking如何稱呼自己
2.其他肢障人士對於diabled people及 physically challenged使用看法的線上討論文章
最後expert group討論完回home group分享心得與大意
很謝謝英語教師俱樂部的老師給我的建議, 讓我可以帶孩子們做深度討論, 而很多老師也給我學習單的建議,讓我學到了不少呢!!